Puffy Nipples and “Man Boobs” – Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Are you a man tired of living a life of insecurity because of “puffy nipples” or the dreaded “man boobs?”
The medical term for the enlargement of a man’s breasts is known as gynecomastia. Some men have this “puffy nipple” condition since the onset of puberty. Although the condition is not physically harmful, it can be a source of emotional distress.
For some, having this condition can lead to insecurities that can affect relationships. Some men avoid intimacy for fear of other’s reactions to the gynecomastia. This is a common cause of concern for bodybuilders or any man who considers physical appearance important in their life and career. Working out and building muscle may not solve the problem as the muscle will develop under the level of fat making the gynecomastia more prominent.
Many men including bodybuilders and physique athletes with gynecomastia choose to undergo corrective surgery. In this article, you’ll find important information on gynecomastia and the surgical process to remove the affected areas on the male chest.
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia or “female-like breasts” is characterized by excess glandular tissue beneath the nipple, excess localized fat or excess breast skin. This can give the appearance of having “puffy nipples” or female-like breasts. Gynecomastia may be present in one or both sides of the chest. When proper diet and exercise regimes haven’t solved the problem, men with gynecomastia turn to plastic surgery to correct the problem.
Male Breast Reduction: The Procedure
Excess breast tissue and the surrounding skin can be removed during the male breast reduction procedure.
Local or general anesthesia can be used during the procedure. Incisions are made either along the edge of the areola or in the armpit. The surgeon will remove portions of the fat or glandular tissue.
Liposuction is typically used but several cases of gynecomastia with stretched and sagging skin may require tissue excision to remove glandular tissue, a skin that cannot be removed with liposuction.
Experience is a must for best results
A high level of experience is necessary to sculpt a natural masculine chest contour so you’ll want to seek out a plastic surgeon with plenty of experience in the male chest department.
The recovery process usually includes wearing a chest compression garment to minimize swelling. You will need to stay away from vigorous exercise for 4 weeks following the surgical procedure. Although, there are variations in the healing process so be sure to listen to individualized instructions for recovery from your surgeon.
You may feel minimal soreness for a few days after the procedure and a temporary loss of sensation that will gradually return. Oftentimes, over-the-counter pain medication will help with the soreness.
After the procedure, you should notice an immediate improvement in chest shape and contour. The results will be permanent, although, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid excess weight gain.
Ready for a change?
Don’t let gynecomastia stop you from living your life. If you’ve been avoiding intimacy and physical activities because of gynecomastia, it may be time to discuss how the male breast reduction procedure can help you.
If you’re ready to restore the natural masculine appearance to your chest, book a consultation with Dr. Bowman.
About Fairview Plastic Surgery & Skin Care Centre: Dr. Cameron Bowman is a fully trained aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon. His practice is located at Suite 480 – 999 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z1K5. Contact him at 604.734.1416 or www.fairviewplasticsurgery.com