Penile Girth Enhancement
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We are currently only offering non-surgical penis enhancement with penis fillers.
We are not offering surgical penis girth enhancements. Contact us for non-surgical penis enlargement and penis filler options or click the button above for more information. The content below is for informational purposes only.
Penis Girth Enhancement Surgery
Vancouver Fairview Plastic surgery clinic offers penile enhancement surgery. Fat injection is a well known plastic surgery technique which, in this case, enlarges your penis circumference or width. A penile enlargement surgery is done as a day care surgery under general anaesthesia. The fat injected is usually taken from your abdomen through a tiny abdominal incision and is then injected through one or more tiny incisions under the foreskin (if present), just below the head of the penis. The stitches are dissolvable and the incisions heal with almost no scar.
Penile enhancement surgery does not have a fully predictable outcome. You will wrap your penis with a soft rolled dressing that will serve to keep the fat evenly distributed along the length of your penis. Occasionally, an uneven contour can result due to some of the injected fat being reabsorbed into the body. Correcting unevenness due to fat reabsorption requires further fat injections later on.